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Tiger Roar Welcomes You

We at Tiger Roar Safaris are driven by our passion and true love for nature and wildlife so whether you are a wildlife enthusiast or a just want to take some time off from your daily lifestyle, we strive to provide you the best service with luxurious hotels and safari packages customized to fit your requirements. We will create personalised itineraries for both individuals and groups and guide you in every step of your way to ensure a hassle free vacation. At tiger roar Safaris we promise you an experience of a lifetime.

Travel Destinations
Years of Experience
Days Travelling
Friends Met

We Are Wanderic

To travel is to live


What people say about us
Sandra Jones

“What an amazing source of ideas for tourists and photographers! I absolutely love this website where I can learn about the most exotic destinations and various tours! Well done guys, thank you!”

Sandra Jones

Photographer - London
Natalie Madison

“Summer vacations are impossible now without your beautiful blog advice! I get inspired every time I’m on this website, and all of my trips are planned according to your tips! Thanks a lot for help”

Natalie Madison

Designer - Oslo
Tina Lewis

“Thank you for figuring out how to make it possible to adjust the South America tour to my schedule! I love how well-organized the trip was, and exactly the way you guys promised! Thank you!”

Tina Lewis

Manager - Los Angeles

Our Perfect Skills

Say yes to new adventures
Ability to go beyond your comfort zone
Overcoming your own fears
Flexibility and adaptability

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